it's rubbish how the school administration is prohibiting matrock/ilyas/pras/bo-yu's performance just because matrock, ilyas and shahril had a post solo performance during the seminar last week. why, they should also disapprove andrew heng/james/chris's performance too since shahril is playing for them. the performance is for the teachers so why are they intervening in issues suppose to be handled by the councillors?
they're making a big mistake. for every action, there's a reaction. and a matrock/ilyas reaction is one fucking reaction. pseudo-disgruntled-bourgeoisies unhappy at the system. viva revolution, oh, i will be part of it.
"we ain't beggars wanting a chance to perform. we are artcore musicians with pride and dignity who will never be crushed by the pathetic iron fist of authority whose idealistic ideologies will never manifest itself into the minds of us musicians." - matrock
are you being made a cuckold, or what? hmmm but nice quote from him anyways. lols.
Anonymous, at 10:37 AM
eh knn. fooled by the fox again. blahdey matrock.
Trent Fellah, at 11:45 AM
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