i needed, like, days to reconcile my thoughts after friday's official farewell thingy. a big thank you to all the people for the priceless cards/notes/gifts, photo frame and the really sweet photo album that nearly (emphasis here: NEARLY) brought me into tears. the cards and notes were especially nice, knowing that there are so many people who support me and the photo album, wow, that was the thing that got me moved. to all those who did the album, thanks a lot for taking the trouble doing it all up. i really appreciate it.
won't mention specific names because there were so many involved and i was contemplating on thanking everybody personally but that would mean digging up all the contact lists and asking around for all the phone numbers so i've decided to just thank everybody here. no words can really sum up how i felt after friday. the whole thing was just so overwhelming. again, thank you, mates. that's enough motivation to spur me through.
what's this farewell thing, taufiq?
where are you going?
Anonymous, at 12:31 AM
nowhere. long story, sa'd.
tell you online.
Trent Fellah, at 1:03 AM
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