
if holden caulfield is real and is living, if he chanced upon me, he'd beat the shit out of me and kill me with his bare fists. i am a fake. i love everything and anything anglo, thinks and act like i'm anglo when i'm actually not. i worship another race because i think my own race is incompetent and impotent when i might actually be more incompetent and impotent than they are. which makes me, as holden caulfield would have put it, a phony. a first-class, gold-plated, honey-brazen phony.



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Tuesday, March 21, 2006

and so we waited like idiotic buggers for the green man to light up abiding to the laws of the road and the laws of anbu. i realized that the traffic light button was not pressed to activate the green man. two janes were standing by the button, jabbering shites possibly pertaining to the length of their hair or the shoe they just bought and what not nonchalantly, ignoring the fact that they did not press the button and not giving a heckuva fuck about wanting to press the button.

i squinted my eyes ala jason statham in 'snatch' with the, "wot' are you skanks dooing? waiting for zee' germans to get there?"

so i approached one of them and precisely told them that, "you're suppose to press the button like this to cross, see?" and one of them was like, "oh, i didn't want to press the button because some people use their feet to kick and press the button."

hearing the utter bullshit of obvious bimbotic self-centeredness, i was saying to myself, "oh. my. god. what a prick."

i gave jane number 1 the ewan mcgregor smile, extremely fake and forced like the time when ewan found out that he could only get opium instead of heroin in 'trainspotting'. then, i pressed the button, not heeding their claim to which i think is so fucking pussiful (because i have and i will lick the muddy field of yjc come monsoon during training).

it's amazing how women can wow you.

however (and here comes the best part),

as much as i'm infuriated and annoyed, i find their ignorance and their selfish reasonings extremely sexy.

maybe it was the high-cut shoes and the pseudo-feminine-coarse voice. or just the height per se.



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