
if holden caulfield is real and is living, if he chanced upon me, he'd beat the shit out of me and kill me with his bare fists. i am a fake. i love everything and anything anglo, thinks and act like i'm anglo when i'm actually not. i worship another race because i think my own race is incompetent and impotent when i might actually be more incompetent and impotent than they are. which makes me, as holden caulfield would have put it, a phony. a first-class, gold-plated, honey-brazen phony.



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Tuesday, December 27, 2005


muscle cramps can be mighty painful. apparently, because of dehydration and lack of minerals, i had muscle cramps all over my body. i guess i pushed myself too darned much during training today and the scorching sun made it insane. my mother was such a darling when she literally did everything for me with all the hardcore cramps that really made me scream in pain.

i suffered muscle cramps all over my body so i'll take time to cock about which of the many muscle cramps was the most painful and gay:

neck: not that painful and easy to recover.

shoulders: painful, annoying because you have to stand and hard to recover

arms/biceps: painful, comes along with shoulder cramps, your whole arm feels like it's gonna topple off and fucking hard to recover

hands: not that painful and easy to recover

chest: not that painful but it affects the lungs and heart making it difficult to breathe. hard to recover.

abs: painful, sharp pain at the abdomen and hard to recover.

groin: fucked up, knnbccb-est and the gay-est.

thigh: as fucked up as the groin cramp. it gets crazy when it combos with the groin cramp.

calf: i'm immune. haha, used to it. easy to recover.

foot: not that painful and easy to recover.

toe: not that painful but hard to recover.

i still have them every half an hour or when i position myself awkwardly.

fuck, fuck, fuck.


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