she's pregnant.
Monday, October 29, 2007
after a long phase of good health, it's about (fucking) time i got sick.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
illi suraya remembers me.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
i can't sleep, because of fuckknowswhy. pre-exam stress perhaps, social fuckups here and there or random dwellings on circumstances, i'll be frank: it's bothering me as hell. bothering me as hell to the point of it being a nauseating prick. i have prayers neglected on purpose, trying to prove to God fuckknowswhat, knowing that i should be grateful and thankful for what i have now. it's a dilemma, being the middle-class cunt. you look at the poor and you put yourself in a position of fake satisfaction, sympathizing them because you have it better. then, there's the fucking well-off. you piss yourself silly dreaming of something even better and you're never ever satisfied when you see how good they have it. fuckknowswhy i am even concerned about this (and various other issues) when i have exams to think about now. for me, these days, "fuckknowswhat", "fuckknowswhy"and "fuckknowshow" are such a common feature. i should let it all out. i sure as hell wish i could let it all out. but fuckknowswhy, i can't.
"the devil is not so black as he is painted."
Friday, October 19, 2007
it is really unfortunate that i have to post this up:
have a great year ahead,
the best is yet to come!
(and no, lora doesn't rock. not even a teeny, weeny bit.)


have a great year ahead,
the best is yet to come!
(and no, lora doesn't rock. not even a teeny, weeny bit.)

jojo and kiki are now BFF. i am very surprised at the quick transition of them becoming BFF within a very short timespan. but it's all good because jojo doesn't hiss at kiki anymore with the fur on her tail all up and instead, they're licking each other good like there's tomorrow.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
"I collapsed to the sand. It had been a garrulous journey with Jim and Jake (Jake had driven and stayed sober. Jim and I had drunk the best part of a bottle of Scotch between us. 'People think we're queer,' Jim confided in a bellowed drawl, meaning him and Jake. 'People think we're homosexual.'
'Easy there, brother,' Jake said loudly, to the windscreen.
'Not that there's anything wrong with that,' Jim said. 'Apart from the sin of sodomy, unfortunately -'
'Let he who is without sin,' Jake interrupted. 'Let he who is without sin.'
'But we're just...' Jim's face had taken on a curious expression of pain and happiness. 'We're just friends, for Christ's sake.'
'Friends in Christ,' Jake said, swerving for something.
'I mean, Jake's always... Jake's always been there for me, haven't you, Jake?'
'I have, Jim.'
'Fucking everyone thinks... Fucking no one really appreciates the importance of fucking friendship, these days.'
'Friendship,' Jake said, chin up, hands at a quarter-to-three on the wheel, 'is bigger than love.' Then, after a pause, 'Which is why Jesus most definitely did not, probably, fuck Mary Magdelene. Or any apostles, for that matter.'
After which, all three of us had observed a few minutes of respectful silence.)"
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
i am sexually attracted to many women these days. just yesterday, it was the deaf cashier at kfc who is in her early thirties. that's prolly a really good reason why i should change my current studying location. the reason why i have the song jenny by click five in this entry is simply because the girl in their music video is hot and also because the cashier's name is jenny. thus, i'm gonna have my breakfast now pronto so that i get to meet my jennayyyy.
i am sexually attracted to many women these days. just yesterday, it was the deaf cashier at kfc who is in her early thirties. that's prolly a really good reason why i should change my current studying location. the reason why i have the song jenny by click five in this entry is simply because the girl in their music video is hot and also because the cashier's name is jenny. thus, i'm gonna have my breakfast now pronto so that i get to meet my jennayyyy.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
i don't deserve aidilfitri.
Friday, October 12, 2007

jojo sleeps all day apparently and is sleeping by my legs as i'm typing this. when kiki, the white and brown bi-coloured female persian kitten, which is just two-months-old, was brought into the house, jojo was pissed mad. so, when i posted a question about this on yahoo answers, the good people over there said that this is normal and jojo is just trying to show kiki who's boss and that they will soon get the hang of each other in a few weeks. so in the mean time, i've been telling jojo to be nice to kiki and she won't listen so i've decided to stop stroking her stomach but i can't help it because jojo is so frikkin' cute and she smells nicer than kiki.
jojo sleeps all day apparently and is sleeping by my legs as i'm typing this. when kiki, the white and brown bi-coloured female persian kitten, which is just two-months-old, was brought into the house, jojo was pissed mad. so, when i posted a question about this on yahoo answers, the good people over there said that this is normal and jojo is just trying to show kiki who's boss and that they will soon get the hang of each other in a few weeks. so in the mean time, i've been telling jojo to be nice to kiki and she won't listen so i've decided to stop stroking her stomach but i can't help it because jojo is so frikkin' cute and she smells nicer than kiki.