"Grumbling all the while, Hoshino hesitantly opened the door of the shrine, and Colonel Sanders shone his torch inside. Sure enough, there was an old round stone inside. Just like Nakata said, it was about the size of a big rice cake, a smooth white stone.
"This is it?" Hoshino asked.
"That's right," Colonel Sanders said. "Take it out."
"Hold on a minute. That's stealing."
"No matter. Nobody's going to notice if a stone like this is missing. And nobody'll care."
"Yeah, but the stone is owned by God right? He's going to be pissed off if we take it out."
Colonel Sanders folded his arms and stared straight at Hoshino. "What is God?"
The question threw Hoshino for a moment.
Colonel Sanders pressed him further. "What does God look like, and what does He do?"
"Don't ask me. God's God. He's everywhere, watching what we do, judging whether it's good or bad."
"Sounds like a football referee."
"Sort of, I guess."
"So God wears shorts, has a whistle sticking out of His mouth and keeps an eye on the clock?"
"You know that's not what i mean," Hoshino said.
"Are the Japanese God and the foreign God relatives, or maybe just
"How should I know?"
"Listen - God only exists in people's minds. Especially in Japan, God's always been kind of a flexible concept. Look at what happened after the war. Douglas MacArthur ordered the divine emperor to quit being God, and he did, making a speech saying he was just an ordinary person. So after 1946 he wasn't a God any more. That's what Japanese gods are like - they can be tweaked and adjusted. Some American chomping on a cheap pipe gives the order and presto change-o - God's no longer God. A very postmodern kind of thing. If you think God's there, He is. If you don't, He isn't. And if that's what God's like, I wouldn't worry about it." "
Friday, December 28, 2007
the best kissing scene in a movie ever. i don't really fancy claire danes as an actress but she was charming in "stage beauty". and the kissing scene she did with crudup, omg, passionate and intense.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
2007 has been utter rubbish for me but i saw a miracle today that probably changed the whole mood for this year as i brace myself for 2008. i saw the most loveliest legs ever. it was an ambivalent moment, i wanted to do the the-mourinho-shaking-in-and-out-of-the-forearms-gesture in triumph but i also wanted to cry. it's a rarity to see gorgeous legs with your very own eyes, not from the tube or the net or any other media but in real life. i therefore conclude that there is still hope for happiness even in the bleakest of moments.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
(but thank god for mcdelivery).
oh, happy holidays to one and all. and happy birthday to syahms and char.
(but thank god for mcdelivery).
oh, happy holidays to one and all. and happy birthday to syahms and char.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Project Pop is the band from indonesia who did "dangdut is the music of my country", absolutely cheeky and hilarious as with this "metal versus dugem" song. i've no idea what the hell 'dugem' means, but i'm guessing it must be techno music. came back from indonesia, got some cds done by their local artistes and i must say that i'm loving their music, their language, their accent, their women and their female celebrities who are ridiculously gorgeous.
Project Pop is the band from indonesia who did "dangdut is the music of my country", absolutely cheeky and hilarious as with this "metal versus dugem" song. i've no idea what the hell 'dugem' means, but i'm guessing it must be techno music. came back from indonesia, got some cds done by their local artistes and i must say that i'm loving their music, their language, their accent, their women and their female celebrities who are ridiculously gorgeous.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
sucha feel-good song. reminds me of the nightlife everytime i hear this. there's something quasi british about this song that i really love and i'm hooked to it right now.

my mom bought three fishcakes right, from the market or something and she left it on the dining table for a bit. what happened was, the streetcat named jojo used her strong hind legs and got up on the table, looting all the three fishcakes, two for herself and the extra one for kiki, her BFF. so after savouring the human food, jojo decided to go to my room and chillex under my table, potrayed in the picture. streetcat indeed. kiki's the supporting partner-in-crime but is usually better behaved (apart from the constant around-the-house sprints). my mom was pissed initially but was okay after a while with jojo's i'm-just-a-cute-cate-look, like of course, i mean who can get mad at such a cute thing.
sucha feel-good song. reminds me of the nightlife everytime i hear this. there's something quasi british about this song that i really love and i'm hooked to it right now.
my mom bought three fishcakes right, from the market or something and she left it on the dining table for a bit. what happened was, the streetcat named jojo used her strong hind legs and got up on the table, looting all the three fishcakes, two for herself and the extra one for kiki, her BFF. so after savouring the human food, jojo decided to go to my room and chillex under my table, potrayed in the picture. streetcat indeed. kiki's the supporting partner-in-crime but is usually better behaved (apart from the constant around-the-house sprints). my mom was pissed initially but was okay after a while with jojo's i'm-just-a-cute-cate-look, like of course, i mean who can get mad at such a cute thing.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
i'm in love with a stripper.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
jogging at night after a heavy bout of rain is far out. with the extremely cool weather, you can practically see hot air rising from your body after you've had a good jog or workout. this of course, when there's enough lighting plus a good dose of body warmth after the run. and when you breathe out hard enough, there'll be hot air coming out of your mouth and nose too. makes me feel like i'm in europe or something.
Friday, December 07, 2007
as much as i don't agree with mawdudi, a radical, i have to say that this excerpt of his does make a lot of sense. but who am i to say this, eh? it's not as if i've been the best muslim around.
"We have already seen that the only difference between Muslims and Kafirs (unbelievers) is in the matter of knowledge and actions. Men who call themselves Muslims but whose knowledge and actions are the same as those of the unbelievers are guilty of blatant hypocrisy. The unbelievers do not read the Koran and do not know what is written in it. If so-called Muslims are equally ignorant, why should they be called Muslims? . . . If Muslims behave the same as non-Muslims, what difference is there between them and the unbelievers?"
- Abul Ala Mawdudi
as much as i don't agree with mawdudi, a radical, i have to say that this excerpt of his does make a lot of sense. but who am i to say this, eh? it's not as if i've been the best muslim around.