intranet password - obiwankenobi1
lotus notes (email) password - schutzstaffel
such a hassle to have to change passwords now and then for security reasons. that aside, it's the fact that i know i have an inclination to a jedi nazi.
intranet password - obiwankenobi1
lotus notes (email) password - schutzstaffel
such a hassle to have to change passwords now and then for security reasons. that aside, it's the fact that i know i have an inclination to a jedi nazi.
Sunday, April 26, 2009


Monday, April 13, 2009
i am an email and phone answering machine. it's really hard to describe the amount of work that i have. turning out for calls, that i don't mind. it's handling the paper work from idiotic men who go awol, taking note of contingency plans, doing reports and attending meetings that never seem to end. so basically, i don't really have the luxury of having spare time to spend outside work like i used to. and the calls that come in and calls that i have to make, oh my gosh, is just plain ludicrous. i am annoyed knowing the fact that my phone bill is gonna shoot up not because of princess cupcake aka the girlfriend but because of work.
welcome to the real world of work politics especially rampant in a uniform organization.
i have come to an understanding that i am naive. naive to still hope for a world where everybody is nice to everybody else, minding each other's own business, free from constant gossips and bitching and backstabbing nonsense. the best part is, seeing grown men under you trying to bootlick you as much as they can and bitching about somebody else. grown men. note: men. female species tend to bitch and gossip more? myth.
so back to being an email and phone answering machine. the stress that comes with working is insane. it's trying to meet datelines here and there, doing all the work that is given and trying to make people happy. for my case, it'll be on two level. the first one, my supervisor and the second one, the men. here's to giving day off or day leave, deciding on the degree of regimentation needed, punishments that is to be given should they commit a wrongdoing, getting them to pass ippt and many more.
my point: it's not an easy job. not an easy job, no sir. should you ask, i will definitely be getting fucked come next duty because i screwed up some paperwork.
last duty, i was hoping for hell because i was in the mood to go sacrificial. no, it's not because channel 5 was showing ladder 49 but because i was fuck-all about everything seeing the amount of work that has to be done.
welcome to the real world of work politics especially rampant in a uniform organization.
i have come to an understanding that i am naive. naive to still hope for a world where everybody is nice to everybody else, minding each other's own business, free from constant gossips and bitching and backstabbing nonsense. the best part is, seeing grown men under you trying to bootlick you as much as they can and bitching about somebody else. grown men. note: men. female species tend to bitch and gossip more? myth.
so back to being an email and phone answering machine. the stress that comes with working is insane. it's trying to meet datelines here and there, doing all the work that is given and trying to make people happy. for my case, it'll be on two level. the first one, my supervisor and the second one, the men. here's to giving day off or day leave, deciding on the degree of regimentation needed, punishments that is to be given should they commit a wrongdoing, getting them to pass ippt and many more.
my point: it's not an easy job. not an easy job, no sir. should you ask, i will definitely be getting fucked come next duty because i screwed up some paperwork.
last duty, i was hoping for hell because i was in the mood to go sacrificial. no, it's not because channel 5 was showing ladder 49 but because i was fuck-all about everything seeing the amount of work that has to be done.