"Of course! [Sports jocks] have better bodies what! But I'm not into muscular guys. I like guys with footballers' body. You know, not super muscular but very lean. And they have a lot of stamina. Girls who say that a guy's body doesn't matter are lying. Or maybe they just decided to set their standards a little lower because well, you know."
- jamie yeo
i hope you know that
it's a pretence
because heck,
i don't actually like
the piss of self-importance
served in my jolly wine.
it's rubbish how the school administration is prohibiting matrock/ilyas/pras/bo-yu's performance just because matrock, ilyas and shahril had a post solo performance during the seminar last week. why, they should also disapprove andrew heng/james/chris's performance too since shahril is playing for them. the performance is for the teachers so why are they intervening in issues suppose to be handled by the councillors?
they're making a big mistake. for every action, there's a reaction. and a matrock/ilyas reaction is one fucking reaction. pseudo-disgruntled-bourgeoisies unhappy at the system. viva revolution, oh, i will be part of it.
"we ain't beggars wanting a chance to perform. we are artcore musicians with pride and dignity who will never be crushed by the pathetic iron fist of authority whose idealistic ideologies will never manifest itself into the minds of us musicians." - matrock

most of my heroes are controversial icons. colin farrell, for instance, is one kickass bugger. he's irish, he smokes, he drinks, he was a soccer player and he's as witty as fuck.
i should really find a good role model.
ohohoh. that made my day.
oh my goshes. oh my goshes. oh my goshes.
"Knew the signs
Wasn't right
I was stupid for a while
Swept away by you
And now I feel like a fool
So confused, my heart's bruised
Was I ever loved by you
Out of reach, so far
I never had your heart
Out of reach, couldn't see
We were never meant to be"
gabrielle's remake of out of reach in the bridget jones' diary soundtrack. very gay, but very nice. the songs in the soundtrack are brilliant. go get it in stores (or borrow it from a friend). >.<
why are you wearing that stupid man suit?
so what have you been up to
why are you wearing that stupid man suit?
other than being voyeuristic
why are you wearing that stupid man suit?
and groupie-like
why are you wearing that stupid man suit?
as usual
i got caught smoking in school, baby.
why are you wearing that stupid man suit?
geez big deal la
why are you wearing that stupid man suit?
what, in the toilet?
why are you wearing that stupid man suit?
what did your mom say?
behind school.
my mom was okay with it.
my mom's open minded la.
taking her degree in psychology mah.
why are you wearing that stupid man suit?
thats cause you have a sack
why are you wearing that stupid man suit?
everything's forgiven when you have a sack
why are you wearing that stupid man suit?
its freudian.
why are you wearing that stupid man suit?
go ask her la.
as long as i'm scott-free,
i'm cool.
why are you wearing that stupid man suit?
mummy's boy
why are you wearing that stupid man suit?
no wonder you have a flippant attitude towards women
why are you wearing that stupid man suit?
and yet seem to always find idol-types among the species
why are you wearing that stupid man suit?
See, i took psychology too
i was at my cousin's wedding ceremony today. it was pretty lavish and grand, not a surprise, considering that her husband is a horse jockey for the turf club. small fellow, the groom. my cousin was taller than him. i guess it's the career expectation of being a horse jockey, to be light and small but hey, he has the moolahs, so what?
so i was at the ceremony, talking to my grandad when suddenly, somebody patted me on the back. i turned around and got the shock of my life. it was mister fauzi.
bollocks, bollocks, bollocks.
i was like, "what are you doing here?"
he replied, "wedding ceremony lah."
and i was like, "no, i'm serious, what are you doing here?"
he was like, "wedding ceremony. i'm related to the bride's father, he's my cousin."
and i went, "no kidding! uncle johar?"
okay, so now i'm a distant relative of mister fauzi. it was really freaky because he took me for soccer training the day before and out of nowhere, he appeared at my family function today.
small-fucking-world. freaky, man, seriously.
definition for slut: an angel.
the feeling so fucking adamant.
and that Mutually Assured Dotage,
unfortunate because of the cynicism.
the sweet-smelling tobacco,
too little is too much (and perhaps,
vice versa). as semites and muslims are
practicality and passion.
principles are prioritized but lies, burdens,
the torments and more.
but decided on the lies, burdens,
the torments and more.
so put out the fag, skipping school is no
longer fun. drats.
valerie-inspired. airina's blog keeps me in check, can you believe it?
gotta get through this one, sharpish. okay, God, lessen the lad's misery, aye?
"Don't get offendedi wanna migrate to eastern europe.
If I seem absent minded
Just keep telling me facts
And keep making me smile
Don't get offended
If I seem absent minded
I get tongue-tied
Baby, you've got to be more discerning
I've known never known what's good for me
I will be yours"
oh, there will be murder after that but who the fuck cares?
"ku berjalan, berjalan memutar waktu
berharap, temukan sisa hatimu
mengertilah, ku ingin engkau begitu
mengerti, kau didalam hatiku
tak bisakah kau menungguku
hingga nanti tetap menunggu
tak bisakah kau menuntunku
menemani dalam hidupku"
i don't know what the hell 'menuntun' means but peterpan produces awesome stuff.
today was a painful day for most of the lads. everybody seemed to have something bad sneaking up upon them. it's episodes like today that brings a group of lads closer together.
the fiasco today was more of an achievement than a disappointment. it's not everyday that you get to show some attitude to your teachers. my mom and dad was very understanding about the issue.
i love my mom and my dad oh so much.