the outcome of the singapore idol contest once again shows how racial singaporeans can be. it's meniscule achievements like this that would set the malay community to an all-high mood for a few months before it drifts away. i'm a cynic at my own race but don't get me wrong, i agree that hady mirza deserves the crown because, boy, that fella can sing. personally, still, if i had voted, i'd give johnathan leong my confidence only because of his suave personality.
take years of suppression of the malay dominance and dignity, bottle it up nicely and tightly and when an opportunity crops up for the malay community to practice their ethnic motives, you'll get radical people, generations of believers, who will try to revive what was once present. like taufik batisah, hady mirza is another clear example of "i'm-voting-for-him-because-he's-malay".
big deal, so what? i'm glad idols 3 is not in mediacorp's agenda.
i don't really care about the racial issue, really. i'm more miffed that the vjc choir was chosen as the backup vocals for the performances. it's the same old scenario of one party being more gifted and having a higher prestige. gutted, because life's unfair.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
first day of Ramadhan down, 29 more days to go. frankly, i've been dreading the month. life's so restricted and i'll always be guilt-strickened if i don't do the optional prayers at night. but by golly, who wants to do something optional? they should make it compulsory for indifferent people like me. however, and in a very massively ironic way, i'd like to experience laylatul qadr, the divine experience that'll give you anything you desire on that holy night. supposedly only saints or religious people will attain the experience and yours truly, is far from the status of these people. and the fact that i've clearly made my stand regarding the fasting month would make God prohibit me from experiencing the night because heck, you're not gonna give the experience to a guy who dreads the Ramadhan, are you God?
is it just me or is pinthongta shinawatra, the daughter of the former Thai premier, thaksin shinawatra, just hot?
lots of lovely babies today when i was outside killing time. after today, i want a beautiful baby, preferably female and have her named after a combination of a place in europe along with a bruneian touch to it, pronto. i want a baby but i don't want to make my own baby just as yet.
"love is when your desire for someone else is greater than your desire for yourself"
Friday, September 22, 2006
soccer players, they
are all that.
'nuff said.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
i want to become a fire fighter.

setting: econs lecture.
you've outdone yourselves again, lads. i am, egad, guilty as charge during post-late-night football days.
Monday, September 18, 2006
a blackish, brownish-bellied male puppy followed me from the train station to school today. it went into the school and even after a few hours of common test and tutorial, i chanced upon it again and it still followed me everywhere.
what, do i look or smell like a bitch to you?it was scary but still, it was quite nice to have a pet-figure by my side. i would love the idea of having a pet dog after today but it's just too bad because of my religious restrictions. if anything, i'm sticking to cats.
the last thing i heard was that somebody called the spca. so yeah, the puppy was prolly sent away from school.
Saturday, September 16, 2006

today's pseudo-gathering with my sec 1 and 2 classmates ended up with us being faggy motherfucks. clockwise direction: zuk, rey, tauf the great and fareez. for a longer account of today, visit
rey's blog.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
life's good, thank God. more uncalled circumstances, i hope.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
got this last year from ctg 130 of '05. decided to post it today. mrs renee low was such a sport to play along even though she knew that it was a prank. laggy video, but what the heck. have a look.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
i want the
lomography fisheye.
Friday, September 08, 2006
had the dreaded bbq at ms lai's condominium today with my ex-secondary school classmates. i've ditched them one too many times already, so i seriously had to make it today. it was relatively okay although things really got boring after awhile because it was hard to mingle around since most - well, all of my classmates - are chinese-speaking. that's probably one of the reasons why i hate these secondary school reunion thingies with my ex-class.
and fuck, i'm unusually horny today.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
went gymming with my mom today at california fitness orchard. i can't believe she pays big bucks monthly for the membership there. the facilities were top-notch, i must say, with really awesome equipment. they even have a sauna and a steam bath area! the only drawback there is probably the risk of bumping into some big-ass muscular fag. cool place, nonetheless.
the atmosphere at the stadium was awesome. it was nice to be able to experience the verbally abusive nature of the game again. scoreless game but i guess singapore did pretty well against a chinese side which had players who are playing in europe. we even had zhang shuai, our PRC mate to sit with us at the singapore side during the match. come second half, i was too stoned to enjoy the match because of my headache.
bloody flu virus that comes and goes. un-fucking-manly.
"don't expect too much because there's always a higher mountain out there for you to climb. you can never always win."
- cindy song
Friday, September 01, 2006
i'm in love with myself.