
if holden caulfield is real and is living, if he chanced upon me, he'd beat the shit out of me and kill me with his bare fists. i am a fake. i love everything and anything anglo, thinks and act like i'm anglo when i'm actually not. i worship another race because i think my own race is incompetent and impotent when i might actually be more incompetent and impotent than they are. which makes me, as holden caulfield would have put it, a phony. a first-class, gold-plated, honey-brazen phony.



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Tuesday, August 28, 2007
"love complicates bedtime."

hanis got it right this time round.

Monday, August 20, 2007
shy love.

Friday, August 17, 2007
beautiful agony. erotically avant-garde.

i've been literally shitting my ass off, been having abdominal pain and i've made my toilet bowl the new place to muse and to read because i have diarrhea or something ever since i came back home from the wedding on sunday. but i persevered enough to catch the latest instalment of the bourne series just a few hours ago and it was so kickass. matt damon did well portraying the brainy and brawny protagonist who's still struggling with his identity and julia stiles had short hair and i was satisfied at the very end when they played an alternative version of moby's "extreme ways" to round off a thrilling story. people gave a lot of stick when the producers used moby's "extreme ways" for the first and second movie but using it again for the third makes it all original like bourne's theme song, sorta, and i don't think anybody expected that. bourne ultimatum was so cool and since i'm still affected by the bourne experience, i will now proclaim that taufiq nazri is jason bourne.

Saturday, August 11, 2007
"Dirty babe,
You see these shackles baby I'm your slave.
I'll let you whip me if I misbehave.
It's just that no one makes me feel this way."

oh thank God for internet access.

Saturday, August 04, 2007
in the spirit of going back to my roots, influenced by the mat-ish nicknames on friendster (e.g. bOy maLaM, bOy sTinG, bOy PeRanG, bOy mOt0r, bOY dEvIl, bOy gUitAr, bOy blAcK, b0y liZard etc.) that my friends have nicely talked about, joked, laughed, puked and gagged to, i shall now be henceforth called:

bOy hiStOry (because i love the history channel).

Friday, August 03, 2007
and so i was walking, the other day, with my ipod on at semi-full blast somewhat. had the whole thousand something songs on shuffle and i was dandying around because my ipod was playing jefferson airplane and mika. when mika's song was done, an unknown piano tune played so i was like okay whatever because i thought it was one of those kanye songs or something. suddenly, drums and heavy guitars came along and i was like holy shit it's some metal song ilyas gave me.

i wanted to forward to the next track but found out that it was from avenged sevenfold with a song titled "i won't see you tonight (part 1)" and i was like okay let's just hear this metal crap. and then a miraculous thing happened. i found out that i like the song. so i realized that there's a metal side in me. got home and i decided to look the song up on the internet and found out that it's a suicide-themed song. so i was like, motherfucker, i'm fucking emo, man.

and partially emu too.

to whom-it-may-concern,

"sorry" is a word said too bloody much. but i really am. it has dawned upon me that i take people who are close to me for granted.

i regret.