
if holden caulfield is real and is living, if he chanced upon me, he'd beat the shit out of me and kill me with his bare fists. i am a fake. i love everything and anything anglo, thinks and act like i'm anglo when i'm actually not. i worship another race because i think my own race is incompetent and impotent when i might actually be more incompetent and impotent than they are. which makes me, as holden caulfield would have put it, a phony. a first-class, gold-plated, honey-brazen phony.



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Friday, March 31, 2006


i was looking through my collection of snail mail today and found a letter sent by joyce:

"if i speak in the tongue of man and of angels, but have not love, i am a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. if i have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if i have faith that can move mountains, but have not love, i am nothing. if i give all i possess to the poor and surrender my body to flames, but have not loved, i gain nothing.

love is patient, love is kind. it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. it is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. it always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

love never fails. but where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. for we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. when i was a child, i talked like a child, i thought like a child, i reasoned like a child. when i became a man, i put my childish ways behind me. now we see but a poor reflection in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. now i know in part; then i shall know fully, even as i am fully known.

and now these three remains: faith, hope and love. but the greatest of these is love."

- corinthians 13

my circle of devout christian friends are pretty something.


and so the match against vjc was postponed due to the weather.

the mental torture that i went through was for nothing.

blows, man.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006
"There may not be another way to your heart
so I guess I'd better find a new way in.
I shiver when I hear your name,
I think about you but it's not the same
I won't be satisfied until I'm under your skin.

Immobilized by the thought of you,
paralyzed by the sight of you,
hypnotized by the words you say,
not true but I believe 'em anyway"
another man's food might be another man's poison. well, big fat hairy deal because i love legs and thighs and that's it. disagree but there's nothing anybody can do about it.

oh bless them gorgeous ladies. certainly on the verge of eating jane number 2 alive.

yes, i'm paralyzed shiver by the sight of you.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

the most demented state of affairs that can happen to me is the inconsistent emergence of the fetish for stunning-looking legs, infectious and mutative to the point that attraction is inevitable when a positive example appears. it's as real as it can get when you long for an image of that certain individual with the break over the weekend.

what is extremely real, though, is the match against vjc on thursday. can't wait, that.

and to hongo and lads, i'm sorry i skipped soccer that night. was too tired. cheated your feelings twice already lah, sorry. won't happen again.


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

and so we waited like idiotic buggers for the green man to light up abiding to the laws of the road and the laws of anbu. i realized that the traffic light button was not pressed to activate the green man. two janes were standing by the button, jabbering shites possibly pertaining to the length of their hair or the shoe they just bought and what not nonchalantly, ignoring the fact that they did not press the button and not giving a heckuva fuck about wanting to press the button.

i squinted my eyes ala jason statham in 'snatch' with the, "wot' are you skanks dooing? waiting for zee' germans to get there?"

so i approached one of them and precisely told them that, "you're suppose to press the button like this to cross, see?" and one of them was like, "oh, i didn't want to press the button because some people use their feet to kick and press the button."

hearing the utter bullshit of obvious bimbotic self-centeredness, i was saying to myself, "oh. my. god. what a prick."

i gave jane number 1 the ewan mcgregor smile, extremely fake and forced like the time when ewan found out that he could only get opium instead of heroin in 'trainspotting'. then, i pressed the button, not heeding their claim to which i think is so fucking pussiful (because i have and i will lick the muddy field of yjc come monsoon during training).

it's amazing how women can wow you.

however (and here comes the best part),

as much as i'm infuriated and annoyed, i find their ignorance and their selfish reasonings extremely sexy.

maybe it was the high-cut shoes and the pseudo-feminine-coarse voice. or just the height per se.


Sunday, March 19, 2006

not sure i understand.

"Come and hold my hand
I wanna contact the living
Not sure I understand
This rope I've been given
I sit and talk to God
And he just laughs at my plans
My head speaks a language
I don't understand"

because i've got too much life running through my veins.

the worldly attributes of life is faeces in the most demeaning manner.

oh, fuck.

tell her tonight.

featuring the boredom-free camera phone.


Friday, March 17, 2006
imagine walking like colin farrell with the irish accent and the beer-can-cigarette combo on both hands.

imagine the right to (literally) piss anywhere you want.

imagine weed.

imagine looking as good as becks in any hairdo, never mind the intelligence.

imagine mass genocide of -insert the name of the group/people/society you despise-.

imagine orgasmic satisfaction of both parties in bed.

imagine san siro, nou camp or old trafford and you're playing alongside the best.

imagine the elimination of humid singapore.

imagine both of you at the sitting at the boot of your car, the other individual bearing your sweater, ciggies or not, talking about anything, under the stars by the bay.

desires are something.

and dreams can be shite when you have recurring nightmares of signing up for a friendster account.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

the reason why incubus rocks.

as perversed as any political band would be, incubus would definitely top the best.

the song, 'megalomaniac', is good.

the video is simply awesome.


Monday, March 13, 2006

this shit and that shit.

"... it's a shite state of affairs to be in."

i am absolutely loving the tee i got from auctions.

and on the 30th of march, we'll be playing vj at vjc. the first game of the tournament against the 'chelsea' of the colleges.

how fucking apt.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

kill me now, kill me now.

apart from the scorching afternoon which got us practically roasted during the 16 half-laps after training, there was this:

"She's got her halo and wings
Hidden under his eyes
But she's an angel for sure
She just can't stop telling lies
But it's too late for his love
Already caught in a trap
His angel's kiss was a joke
And she is not coming back

Because heaven sends and heaven takes
Crashing cars in his brain
Keep him tied up to a dream
And only she can set him free
And then he says to me

Kill me now, kill me now,
kill me now, kill me now.
Kill me now, kill me now,
kill me now, kill me now."

okay, kurt co'bain.

Friday, March 10, 2006

a day in the life of taufiq.

the alarm clock, mobile phone clock and digimon clock set twenty minutes early which despite the abovementioned, caused me to have a minor punctuality problem.

the post-soccer fatigue.

the gnc vitamin supplements which was meant as a catalyst to clear my fatigue away.

the ipod and the couch for the occasional power nap.

the sexual, mental and emotional deprivation (emphasizing more of sexual).

the menthol or reds sticks courtesy of bad influence number 9.

the constant what-the-fuck to things which really doesn't matter.

the good lads and lasses, thank God.

and speaking of God, the tantrums to God. well, after all, i'm nothing more but an ordinary slave.

the ignorance inflicted.

fuck, fuck, fuck.

and for the last description,

aye, i'll make sure revenge will be extra sweet.

Monday, March 06, 2006
oh how i long for an embrace from a worthy soul (of physical poise).


Wednesday, March 01, 2006

this whole post is dedicated to 'SOB'.

with your countless comments on my tagboard, i am implying by default that you do read my blog constantly. that said, i am indeed flattered.

but seriously dude, why the childish retorts?

i take the jack purcell shoes as the initiation for your anger and the subsequent picture of myself as a baseline for you to take a piss on my pride more with your insult.

i really should screw a big fat signboard into your arsehole that says in bold: TAUFIQ IS MATERIALISTIC.

for starters, jack purcell shoes are cheap alternatives for any dunks/prestos/air-maxs or running shoes. with that in mind, the classic look, the simplicity and the fact that the shoes go with any outfit make jack purcells tempting for anybody. it beats the cheena trend with the normal converse shoes because it's different in design. and mind you, i do have a collection because i've been wearing jack purcells since secondary school.

if you're one of those rocker dudes (i'm vaguely saying 'rockers' because there is a wide range of rock genres) who think that only rockers or only listeners to rock music are allowed to wear jack purcells, then i say FUCK YOU.

jack purcells are tennis shoes and it was made popular by bands of many genres when other sports brands came up and ousted the shoes from the market. you have no right to say that your culture or music owns it. fashion is often associated with the certain type of music and jack purcells are often associated with rock bands. that, i know and your baseless comment that i am a 'poseur' because i wear jack purcells just shows how immature you are.

that's because fashion has no boundaries.

for my case, i go for the common sporty standouts and the classy look when i do feel like dressing. jack purcells make great addition to any tees or pants.

the fact that i am materialistic shows that i buy the pair of shoes (or clothes) not because i want to look like a certain group of people but because of the brand. get this, doofus.

and then comes the picture issue. francesco totti, brad pitt, joshua scott chasez, kevin richardson and brian littrell all have prominent cheek jaws. i'm not saying that mine is prominent but since you said that my cheek jaw is 'like a horse', then i would reckon that mine probably is. if you don't know them, go do your research. good-looking lads, the examples above.

well, as you know, i've got the backings of the people who reads my blog. if you're really tough, if you're a professional critic and if you really have the guts, you can do a proper comment. maybe we'll have a war of words on the taggie for eternity. that, i don't mind.

you're pretty silent today so i take that you are indeed, well, lost for words?

hope to hear from you soon.